NEWS! We are pleased to announce the 2nd edition of Beyond Sputnik is scheduled to be published by MIT Press in 2024. Sign up to be updated regarding launch plans, pre-orders, and related events.

Beyond Sputnik: U.S. Science Policy in the 21st Century is a book that offers a comprehensive survey of national science policy looking at how policies for science are made, the government entities that make these policies, and the impact federal policies have on the conduct of science. In addition to the book, this website serves as a supplementary tool for students, teachers, researchers and practitioners of science policy.
Published by the University of Michigan press
To order a copy of Beyond Sputnik click here.
Read book reviews:
Review of Policy Research
APS Physics & Society Newsletter
Science and Public Policy
Published by the University of Michigan press
To order a copy of Beyond Sputnik click here.
Read book reviews:
Review of Policy Research
APS Physics & Society Newsletter
Science and Public Policy
Why Learn about science policy?

Over the course of the last century, numerous societal advances have been driven by progress in science. Devastating diseases have been conquered, our quality of life and national security have been enhanced, and new economic and intellectual frontiers have been opened. Yet, the public has generally treated this progress as something that just happened, without recognizing that it is, in fact, largely the result of a sustained federal commitment to support science through science policies enacted immediately after World War II and in response to the Soviet launch of Sputnik. Likewise, scientists and engineers often understand little about the policy processes that determine how they conduct their research and, in fact, have tended to avoid becoming involved the policy making process for science. Beyond Sputnik explains for scientists, policymakers and the public why science policy is important and how science policy is made.
How can this book help?

Beyond Sputnik – U.S. Science Policy in the 21st Century is written for scientists, policymakers, students, and the general public who want to learn more about science policy in the United States. It is the perfect introductory text for courses in science policy and is a must-read guide for lawmakers, scientists, journalists, and advocates interested in better understanding federal policies for science. Authors and experts Homer Neal, Tobin Smith, and Jennifer McCormick address a range of topics from science education, stem cell research and cloning, to big science projects such as the Super Conducting Super Collider and the Human Genome Project, to homeland and national security research. Beyond Sputnik offer readers the opportunity to study real instances of science policy-making at work and discusses major policy challenges facing policymakers and the scientific community.
How can this website help?

Along with information about Beyond Sputnik, this website links to to other science policy resources including books, magazines, newsletters and budget information as well as resources on how to work effectively with Congress. Information also is provided to help individuals interested in teaching a science policy course, pursuing a degree in science policy, or in seeking an internship, fellowship or other experience in science policy.